

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Call Me Maybe?

If you haven't already seen Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez's rendition of this song... no need to

I spent the night down the shore and had so much fun putting this together. Better than a tropical spring break vacation? I think so...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Movies About Filmmaking


Hair Appointment

When I get bored - I color my hair. It hasn't always worked out but it's just hair, it grows back, and it is always fixable (not always cheap tho...). I haven't cut or colored my hair since June (GASP). So I think it is about time!

If you can't tell her hair gradually goes from dark roots to really blonde on the ends. I think this is perfect for me since my hair has already grown in a lot without desperately needed it to get redone but I think it needs lightning up!

maybe add bangs??